Transitioning to tumblr...

After recently discovering the joys of Tumblr, I've decided to transition the blog over there... It's much friendlier to high resolution images and slideshows.

Bear with me. while I work on a solution to get it embedded here... I've got two options that I'm trying out, so let me know what you think... One is an iFrame, the other is a redirect. Both are listed below the blog in the navigation bar.

Eventually, The posts from this blog will be transferred to the tumblr account and be replaced by it.

Direct link to the blog

or check out the nav bar for the embedded version.

P.S. You should totally check it out since I just posted 10 HDR shots from my trip to the UK.

EDIT: There are some issues with the embedded version of the blog and tumblr's slideshow functionality, so now the redirect link will open in a new window if you click it.
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