Blogging In Black and White

Rainy weather and tapeless workflows have had me thinking about shooting film...
I’ve got some rolls of Tri-X 100, T-Max 400, and Ilford 100 laying around somewhere, but no darkroom access makes me a sad panda (because they’re black and white!).

These are 11x14 fiber prints. I had to archive them by shooting instead of scanning because I didn’t have access to a big enough scanner at the time.

While I appreciate all of the technical advantages that modern DSLRs and Photoshop/ACR/Lightroom/Aperture/etc. offer, I’ll always love the darkroom environment more than a computer. it’s generally relaxing (the same can’t usually be said of digital printing workflows), and the uncertainty makes it much more rewarding!

A camel and his owner

Cuidado Carlos started as a joke, but he became part of a commentary series on the university’s relationship with Unicco

Part of an unfinished series on the differences between graffiti (urban art) and tagging (vandalism)

Anne’s Beach, Islamorada, Florida

Key West, Florida

Hilary and Lily: Too much rock (and too much hair) for one photo. One of my favorites!

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